Lend Mantra

Why Lend Mantra

Why Lend Mantra

The success of any Financial Institution depends on how they are going to use technology in business. Lend Mantra has developed a customer-integrated Loan Management Suite for NBFCS that can reduce the overall workforce cost, increase customer satisfaction, handle large loan volumes, and manage end-to-end lending process. The modules starting from Leads to collections are integrated in one single suite to provide seamless working and automation.


Delivery Models


Pay as you Grow

Integrated Lend Mantra Suite offering on Cloud – Pay as you Grow Model for the smaller sized NBFCs using software for the first time. One Time Setup Fee and Monthly rentals depending on the Usage. Innovative models to help grow the business of NBFCs.



Standalone Modules for Medium and Large sized NBFCs currently using any other third party software. One Time setup fee, migration and quarterly, half yearly or annual costing



Integrated Lend Mantra Suite for Large NBFCs . Complete migration of the Existing software, Training, Deployment and flexible commercial modeling.

Architecture Design